Friday, January 26, 2024

More Retreat Sewing

My main project was to get the final 2 borders of my cousins walk bird sampler done! 

One border, whew!

2 borders! Yay! I  need to attach them and get the corner applique complete. I'm so close! This son of a gun is HUGE! 102"x116" or something like that! No more giant quilts for me (for awhile)

In between I had some easy houses cut and ready to sew. 

I worked on a liberated flying geese border for the basket

As I was making them I wasn't feeling the love at all. We tried a few different things and none felt right.

So I've got a new plan.  The above photo is not the new plan. 

Carrie was working on this sweet little quilt.

And she completed the top! She also is a cross stitcher on tiny linen. She does amazing pieces!

Here is Michelle working on her panel quilt. 

I love the outer border. 

Both Michelle and Christy worked on this little heart quilt. 

Christy had just a few days with us and she was laser focused on the Indigo Mystery from Bonnie Hunter. She sent us this photo after she got home and laid it out. Lookin' great!

I did get my first quilt of the year complete while retreating and I'll share that next week!

Have an amazing weekend.


  1. Your Cousins' Walk borders are just gorgeous, Lori!! what a lovely quilt this will be...
    I also really like all the other quilts in progress--Carrie's applique center is so pretty...
    nice you had a fun time...hugs, Julierose

  2. Retreat sewing is just the best. Those applique borders are awesome!

  3. Would it help if you put cornerstones in the first scrappy round? You do suc awesome work I was even going to make the suggestion, but some reason it looked too busy. Love all the other eye candy of the retreat.

  4. Congratulations on coming close to a finished top. You have put a lot of work into it. I like every layout you made for the basket quilt. You and Carrie have me drooling over your quilts. Those are my favorite colors. It looks like everyone was very productive at the retreat. I loved seeing them all.

  5. The Birds project is so beautiiful. I'm trying to machine app my words on my winter Marsh quilt---it is a much harder skill than one expects, mine look dreadful.

    Lots of other fun projects too.



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