Friday, May 24, 2024

2024 Swap Quilts Linky Party

Here is my sweet quilt from Beth! I love it so much! Thanks again!

We will share quilts you received. 

Please try and take a straight on photo so we can see them better online. 

If you cannot figure out how to add your received quilt feel free to send me a photo at and I'll post it.

Thank you to everyone who sewed and swapped!


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. They are all so nice, I love mine. Thank you again for organizing this exchange.

  2. They are all wonderful. So much talent!❤️


Because the ridiculous amount of SPAM I have resorted to comment moderation.

I love to reply to comments or a question. If you are on I have no way of contacting you. Please leave an email address. If you need help changing the setting please email me.
If you want to comment feel free to send me an email as I would love to hear from you!