Friday, May 31, 2024

Cousin's Walk Bird Sampler Complete!!

I started this sampler in 2019 and completed it this week!
It is huge (102"x116") and brought the stand and quilt to our empty store so I could photograph it. I struggled with the lighting but hope you can click on to enlarge. 

Sharon Tucker, Grass Roots Quilting,  did the machine quilting on it. We had numerous conversations and photos back and forth and she executed perfectly what I wanted!!

I changed the inner block to the compass. It is nice to have your quilt a little different than everyone else's. 

I machine appliqued. 

I am done with huge projects!

Here is the beautiful antique circa 1850

I snapped this photo at Mary Koval's booth when it was for sale. 

Feels great to have that one completed. 

Have an amazing weekend!



  1. I love the cousins Bird Sampler.. Well done.

  2. WooHooooo! It's gorgeous, and well worth the time it took.

  3. Lori espectacular ¡¡ Felicidades!!

  4. OH Lori, your quilt is just amazing!! Sharon did a great job of accenting your amazing applique. Bravo!!!!

  5. Auch a feeling of accomplishment I'm sure! And that is a beauty!

  6. Congratulations! It’s beautiful!!!

  7. What a beauty! Absolutely love it!

  8. Your Cousins Walk birds quilt is spectacular--what a lovely finish--Certainly an heirloom for you and your family...hugs, Julierose

  9. Done with big projects!? This is gorgeous, fabulous, radiant!! The quilting is perfect for it.

  10. It is sooo beautiful. And I love your reds. They are gorgeous. Well done for sure

  11. A fabulous finish! I can understand your reluctance to make another huge quilt, as I'm at that point also. Enjoy this gorgeous creation!

  12. It is stunning, Lori. Well done!
    I love Sharon's feathers--she did a beautiful job with the quilting.
    Thanks for showing us the original antique, too. I appreciate that you made your center unique to your quilt. I try to switch things up so my quilt isn't like everyone else's, too.
    But I will not hold my breath about you not making another big quilt. ;)

  13. Wow! What a wonderful quilt! You must have a great sense of achievement!


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