Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Lone Cabin Top- Done!

Life has been a bit of a zoo but I've managed to get this Lone Cabin quilt top completed! YAY! I feel like the outer border is a bit too dark,   but it is too late now. It is off to the quilter!


Summer temps are in full force- love watching the birdbath!!
Deer were getting a drink from it last night. We let them get a drink before we scooted them out of the yard. 

I hope you are having a lovely summer.


  1. The new quilt is beautiful. I love seeing you do a primitive like this one again. Love the colors.

    btw, tell us your pop up store thoughts? Would you do it again? etc

  2. Love your quilt. A work of art.
    Janny S.


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