Friday, March 21, 2025

Quilt Show Part 2

The quilt reminded me of the Sagrada Cathedral in Barcelona!

Here are several of the wool quilts I mentioned in the last quilt show post. The photos were missing and now they are found! 

There are still books for sale HERE. This is a fundraiser for Faith Seeds. Ask me if you'd like to know more! If you'd like to go to Guatemala and see this non profit I'm involved with send me a message at 

Have an amazing weekend!

Oh yea, welcome SPRING! YAY! 


1 comment:

  1. Oh, I absolutely agree with your comparison of Phoenix Rising to Cathedral windows. I was actually thinking that before I scrolled on and saw the comparison you made. And those particular windows you referenced are especially a match.
    I really like the way the one quilter turned Bonnie's mystery design on point and added solid corners. Love it when people go there own way like that.
    Midnight Flower Dance is stunning. The addition of the spiderweb made me smile. I have memories of a huge spiderweb (with an equally huge spider) appearing in a flowerbed by my back door. I bent down to see a beautiful bloom and realized I was nose-to-nose with that big spider--and almost caught in his web. LOL


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