Monday, March 24, 2025

Tree of Life- March

Welcome spring! 

I've got my 2 March blocks made and added to the other 4! I'm liking it a lot!!

It is far from perfect, but once it is all together and quilted it will be just fine!

Last call for the quilt swap is TODAY! Get details HERE.

If you are going to the at the Lebanon-Lancaster quilt show and you see me please say HI!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Annette from Sisters, ORMarch 24, 2025 at 7:08 PM

    Those trees are looking so good....

  2. Love the trees. I have that project started but only have three trees completed. It's on my "someday" pile. Keep up the inspiration. I LOVE seeing the results of the doll quilt swap.

  3. Trees look awesome. I hope you have a fantastic time in Pennsylvania!! It should be a wonderful show. Buy Buy Buy.

  4. Loving your tree blocks. I need a kick-start to get going on my "house" version of your 2 color SAL. LOL


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