Friday, July 26, 2019

Small Town County Fairs

We had a great conversation on Facebook about entering quilts into your local fair. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that! Do you enter? No? Why not?

So many families were involved in the county fair when my kids were little. It was an event! I worked the textile department, including quilts and watched the judges. We all brought in decorations according to the theme and some of the department heads spent late nights putting up amazing displays of art, quilts, clothing, Native American handwork and children's art, collections and baked goods. It really was something we all looked forward to. 
I think our fair went downhill when the entry fee for our fair got priced beyond what was reasonable. What's the point of entering if your entire family couldn't afford to attend and you couldn't even go see if you won a ribbon without having to pay a ridiculous amount?

A couple of years ago there was a big push to get locals to enter items in the fair. It was very cumbersome and no comments were issued by the judges at all.  I used to help in the textile dept and the judges we had took the time to write comments for people who entered. I'm not sure how our judges get qualified now. Their choices have been pretty dubious.

I made a quick trip to the fair yesterday after hearing from others and was really disappointed. There was maybe 20 quilts hanging and I'd say about 1/2 of them were by one person. 
The room was dismal (junk hanging out int he corner of the room) and the woman manning the quilt section had no idea which one was the Best of Show! I think they had a box to choose your favorite but she didn't say a thing to me about it.
I'm not even sure how to volunteer to help, but clearly they need some!
Here was the Best of Show quilt. It was darling.

 Loved this little saying at the top of the quilt.

 Nothing very creative about this display. I actually tripped over one of the legs- thankfully I didn't fall!!
 I also thought the judges comments should have been private- folded and closed so only the maker could see it.
 The native American display used to be really amazing. The handwork still is something to behold, but there just wasn't much of it. The vest, (above, behind glass) is beadwork!
 I believe this is a wallet. And yes, they make them and use them. 

 What's a fair without animals? We do have great 4H participation and the businesses get behind the kids in a huge way when it comes to the animal auctions. (always Saturday night and about 100 degrees!!)

The pigs always have a hard time staying cool fair week. The vet visits often to assist overheated animals. 

It always cracks me up how these sheep get primped!!

The cow is looking at the girl through the slat and the girl is looking at the cow. So cute!!

I don't ever remember seeing camels at our fair!! 

This lovely wagon of flowers greets fair-goers. And you know what? We hired a new fair manager and getting in FREE has helped get people to the local fair, which I think is terrific. We live in a low economic area and need a place families can go and have fun together and not break the bank. I think that was the best idea we've had in many years!!

I'd love to hear about your county fair!! Have a fantastic weekend.


  1. The last time that I went to our county fair, there were 3 quilts. Yes, only 3. They were hung on the wall in a grubby little 2 room building. Honestly, I don’t want my quilts hung there.

    I agree totally about the prices. $25 a head, really! That’s a lot of money. As a senior, you can get in free midweek and spend the admission money on treats or 4H milkshakes!

  2. For the first time I am entering two quilts in the state fair. I am very nervous about the whole ordeal! I have second guessed myself many times for doing this. But I think the experience will be good for me. Hopefully I learn alot!

  3. I have never entered a quilting the fair. We went for a few years when the girls were young but it’s been a long time. I know the county fair is a big thing for a lot of folks around her.

  4. Never have entered into a County Fair and it may continue to be that way...I contacted our County Fair website a few weeks ago seeking info about just how to enter...never heard back. And no where on the website was there other contacts or even worse, any directives on what is required to enter...categories, sizes, hanging sleeves, and when is the Deadline to enter...unbelievable. Having chaired 2 quilt shows in the past for our large quilting guild I knew what to look for...feel sorry for the first time quilter trying to make an entry.

  5. I haven't been to a county fair in many, many years. Growing up the county fair held in the fall was a big deal like you said. The building was full of all kinds of exhibits and the animals were a sight to see. I grew up on a farm but I still liked to see all the animals. And, of course, the carnival was great too.

  6. Our local county fairs in this part of SD can be pretty small and tied to the 4-H activities. I used to enter quilts in the Open Class in the small county we used to live in. I've even won some ribbons. But 13 years ago we moved to a different county and I've never entered anything. Maybe I need to consider it again. Our state fair is held less than an hour away and I haven't gone in years.

  7. We don't have a traditional county fair here---maybe a fairway with vomit inducing rides, but I haven't heard it mentioned in years. I used to go to the county fair in Cape Cod with my dad. He loved the animals, esp baby pigs and the fancy chickens,lol. And we both enjoyed the quilts. My memoryis that entry was free, but I'm not sure.

  8. I remember the fairs as a child and it was really a big deal. I loved the produce pavillion because they made decorative displays that used the produce to practically paint a picture of something or a creative design. My mother used to enter clothing she had made a for school and she regularly got blue ribbons. I entered a quilt once in 1992 and couldn't actually go to the fair with my six kids so I just dropped the quilt off and picked it up, I didn't see the show. I did get a blue ribbon in the beginners category.

  9. My 'county fair' is the Minnesota State Fair, and it's huge! There is an entire building for textiles - they include winners from the county fairs so we get to see the cream of the crop. They do an amazing job of display, grouping various types of items together by theme. I've never wanted to enter anything. Perfection isn't my thing and I would be crushed by any comments a judge would make - however well deserved. But my grandmother won ribbons for smocking in the early 1900's, and my mother-in-law won a ribbon for her cow when she was a teen around 1940.

  10. I have been a quilt judge in my local county fair numerous times. We always included written positive and encouraging comments. The fair was to be a safe experience and a learning experience. No one entered for the prize money, $3, $2, $1.😉
    And the comments are for the eyes of the quilt owner, not the general public and are hung respectful and safely.

  11. I haven't been to a fair in a long time....say, maybe 25 years? Recently, I attended the Kutztown Folk Art Festival and while I enjoyed it very much....I do agree that the gate fees are too high. For just my DH and myself it was $25 and that was with coupons and senior discount... maybe next year I should use a vacation day and go during the week? lol! Kids (under 12) are free though...

  12. I entered my quilts for 10 years when I lived in Dallas, Oregon (Polk county fair) and won many ribbons. I assisted in hanging the quilts also. Now that I live in Alabama I haven't been to a fair, maybe I need to look and see if any are close.

  13. That was great seeing all the pictures from the fair, I felt like I was there with you!
    I missed our fair this year,usually we don't have a good turn out like you had.
    Have a great week end!

  14. Our county fair has always been free to enter. Recently it came under a new department in the county and I wasn't as happy with things in the home arts/art departments, where I have volunteered for years. Don't know that I will be a part of it this year, with my Mom's situation taking priority, but I will be interested to see if they implement any of the suggestions made by a few of us long time volunteers. We got a new venue for these departments last year and the displays didn't seem as viewer friendly, or as safe for the exhibits. Hoping to see some improvement in that regard this year.

  15. I think I have that Lori Holt pattern with the vacuum cleaner. I have not been to a fair in years and years. The quilt section was always a disappointment when I did go. One guild member put a patchwork pieced jacket in the local fair and it was stolen. Not enough security. Many people in the guild would not display at the fair after that.

  16. A number of years ago my Bro and sis in law in the Pacific NW invited us over to see the quilt at the Puyallup fair south of them. That is all we looked at there, and it was fantastic! Quite the display! The(then for us) local fair was in Walla Walla, and they had some. I've never put my quilts into a fair. Did not check out the local fair where I now live so much smaller! May check it out this fall and see if it is something I might consider.

  17. I used to love the fair! a couple of years back several beautiful quilts were stolen at our local fair so that was enough for me to swear off of entering ever again. This just broke my heart for the quilter that put her heart and soul into making these beauties. It's too bad that things have gotten so bad that the average family can't participate. The parking alone around here would break the bank. What do you think we could do to "bring it back" if anything.

  18. I'm planning to go to the Yamhill County Fair probably on Thursday (Senior day when the price is $6 instead of $10). There's no charge to enter anything. The price includes going to the rodeo, which I would like to do, but if I'm going alone, I'll just look at the exhibits. They don't have any real quilt racks to display the quilts so you can see the whole thing if it's large. They do hang some, but not a very good system. I'll take some pictures to post. I entered 2 wall hangings this year. Don't know if I'll enter anything in the state fair or not.

  19. The fair here is crammed with arts and crafts, so many that you only get to see part of the item, not the whole item. I thought about entering this year for the first time, but, decided not to. It's hard just to figure out what category I'm supposed to be entering in (way too many to choose from).

  20. Our county fair isn't until October, and sometimes the weather is still HOT here. It's fun to see the animals!


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