Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Quilters are the best!

A lot of spontaneity happens on the Humble Quilts facebook group. 

This lovely quilt was donated to this lovely grandmother, who is also an acquaintance of mine.

Thee is a lot of backstory but Tina cares for Ezra, her grandson, who was beaten by his mom's boyfriend. Ezra will likely not ever grow up to be a teenager. 

Laura V donated it to Tina. She lives a selfless life. Right now she is on the forefront of getting Oregon laws changed to have longer punishments for those who cause irreparable damage to another person. Ezra's abuser only got 12 years. 

Look at this beautiful and amazing quilt! 

Tina and Ezra, 

This is Little Roy and this is what started the facebook conversation. Do you see his quilt? That is Roy's grandmother's and Little Roy was recovering from brain surgery. Elizabeth is also caring for her grandson who was beaten by his mom's boyfriend. The 2 strong women have come together and they will be a force to be reckoned with when it comes to changing our laws. 
But day in and day out, they deal with the lifelong health issues these little boys have. 

Mona is sending a quilt to Elizabeth and we will see it when it arrives. 
I made the first post on March 5th and several of you came forward offering to send quilts! I love you all so much and your kind and generous hearts.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Tina was speechless with the generosity shown to her, a stranger. 

If anyone would like to follow their progress they have a public facebook group that you can join HERE.  
It's called Team Ezra. (Roy's journey is on there too)

Much love


  1. What a cute little boy. I don't understand how people can treat other people so badly.

  2. It is beyond my comprehension how a person could harm a child. God holds a special place for selfless people like your friend. Thank you for sharing and reminding us all how fortunate we are.

  3. What a wonderful story of such caring (intermingled with a terrible story of such atrocity!) Thank you for sharing the story of quilters stepping up to bring some comfort.

  4. I don't know whether to be happy for Tina and Ezra (I am!) or totally enraged at the abuser and the court system. This was nothing short of attempted murder. LIFE is too good. Thanks for posting this!

  5. What precious children who are being loved and protected by strong grandmothers. Those women are amazing. My brain just can't get around how anyone could beat a small child like that but yet we see it on the news all the time. Thank you for sharing this story.

  6. Tina has such love for Ezra, you can just see it in her eyes! I am glad you highlighted these needs and thank you to those who responded!

  7. These stories break my heart. We have an ongoing child-abuse murder story going on here right now. Horrors. That you and fellow quilters have reached out to these caregivers is a beautiful thing tho despite the sadness.


  8. Dear beautiful ladies,
    As I sit here, tears streaming down my face, holding a beautiful baby boy wrapped in a love quilt, I am humbled by your kindness and generosity ❤️
    Thank you Mona for the amazing quilt you sent us; I love it so much. Little Roy gets warm out really easily right now during this healing period and he loves me to hold him when he sleeps, now he’s all comfy on my lap wrapped in his beautiful new quilt. I can’t thank you enough ❤️
    I read that many offers were made to send us a quilt, so I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
    You humble me with your love...thank you.
    I don’t know how to post a pic here, so I’ll post it on my fb page: Elizabeth Higbe Crouch
    Love you all❤️❤️❤️

  9. How can anyone abuse a child? I am heartbroken but hopeful for a miracle from God to you all. Our laws surely should be more strict in such cases.

  10. What a fabulous quilt but the stories break my heart. Some people are just evil. Such lovely women to do what they do.

  11. If the boy dies, they can retry that man for murder! That's what my hubby said when I told him about this. May God shine His love down on these women for what they are doing.


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