Monday, August 31, 2020

Vote 2020!

I saw this adorable quilt designed by Country Threads and had to purchase it! I usually try to do some quilt that commemorates an important event.  Every 4 years it is a pretty important event to vote! 
Obviously if there are other matters for your state that happen more often, it is still important to cast your ballet!!
I don't understand why people wouldn't vote.

Oregon has had vote by mail for about 20 years. One year I did get 2 ballots so I know it isn't perfect. (nothing that has to do with people is perfect) But it is convenient. 

Whatever your state decides for you, please exercise your right to vote. 

As far as this quilt, I'm hoping to at least get the VOTE 2020 part done.

You can find it HERE. 



  1. That is really cute! I agree with you and I have always voted!

  2. Very charming quilt. It has such a folk art vibe. I love it. Receiving 2 ballots isn't a big deal because I assume your state has some careful processes to make sure you didn't TURN IN both ballots. I know my particular county had a big scandal a few years ago when a candidate for some local office voted twice - once absentee and then came in on election day and voted again. But it was caught immediately.

  3. Thank you for the reminder and inspiration. I have always loved the Country Threads style

  4. Very sweet quilt! Yes, we all need to excercise the right to vote. Especially this year.

  5. I just got that download. Now to find the time to make it!

  6. I really like that pattern too. I visited Country Threads once years ago on one of my trips between Des Moines and Minneapolis. Made a detour and visited Country Threads in Garner and Quilted Forest in Forest City. Threads was a unique place.

  7. I made that pattern as well in 2000 to document the presidential election of 2000 adding a lengthy label on the back. It will be a perfect one to document 2020. Yes, I always vote!🇺🇸

  8. The antique quilt you showed in the last post is gorgeous and it sure fell into the right hands! The piece in today's post is also wonderful and with such an important message. It is always important to cast your vote, but it seems to be even more important to your country this time round.

  9. I vote any time I have the opportunity. This year it is even more important!! Love the quilt!

  10. It is unimaginable to me that less than 50% of those registered actually vote.
    I hope this year will be different, but with all the suppression, we'll have to see. Luckily here in CT we are also able to vote my mail.
    People should be educated that if you were to use more than 1 ballot, you would be committing a felony. That is the crime, not getting 2 ballots.
    It is a great little quilt design!

  11. I don't think I have missed voting since I turned 18--and that was a LOT of years ago. :)
    This is a very appealing patriotic design. It is tempting, but I know it would sit forever. I might be inclined to center the word "Vote" and put a small star to either side, and then use it as a banner on my porch during voting days (assuming I ever got it completed).
    For many decades I was a poll worker (election judge), but for the past several elections we have also been "vote by mail".


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