Monday, January 10, 2022

2021 Adventures- Looking Back

 I would be remiss if I didn't look back on my outdoor activities of 2021. No quilt content today, so feel free to scroll on by if you aren't interested. 

In March we decided to make a trip to Wyoming and look for property to build.  We laugh because we always tell each other we'd rather burn than freeze! 
This piece I'm standing on is one we came back to before we flew back home and eventually we put in a bid and now belongs to us. 

In March we also attempted snow camping on Mt Hood but it was snowing so hard we bailed! We will try again this winter.

In early spring the mountains are still too snowed in for backpacking so heading to the desert is a great alternative.  I did a day hike to Dallas Ranch on the Columbia River. I've always heard about the amazing flower display and I was not disappointed!

Dusty Lake near Ellensburg, WA. 

Sunset on Umtanum Ridge near Yakima. 
May finally allowed us to take a postponed vacation to Hawaii. 

In June we went back to Wyoming to see our property when it wasn't covered in snow. This beautiful view of Red Canyon is about 15 miles from our property. 

Old Growth cedar at Herman Creek trail.


Backpacking near Mt Adams (in Washington state)  was truly one of the highlights of my backpacking trip in 2021.
Making our way to a glacier lake at the foot of Mt Adams. It was a crazy trip down!

Cory and I in Goat Rocks Wilderness. 

Alpine Lakes Wilderness. 

Our home "view" for several nights at Stuart Lake

Forest Fire duty! Yep! We could have ran and it is likely a giant forest fire would have started. 
Colchuck Lake- amazing azure waters! We had to earn this view! I was thankful that it was a day trip and that I wasn't loaded with a 40 pound pack!

I signed up for a 1/2 marathon and started running. This was one of my views while on a quilt retreat. 

And our year ended in heavy snow getting a Christmas tree! 
So much fun!

What adventures does 2022 hold? I'm  not sure yet, but there will be a few, for sure!

Let's have a great week!



  1. Wait - you are going to do a half marathon? When? You really are an adventurer!

  2. All stunning...lifting my heart and hope xo

  3. Love love love your pictures !! Thank you !


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