Friday, September 2, 2022

Oregon Quilt Documentation Repost

 Many of you loved the amazing quilts I shared on Wednesday so I thought I'd share this super fun memory from 2010. I was part of the kickoff of the Oregon state documentation in the town of Sisters. 

The first quilt that came through the door knocked us over! LOL You will need to click on the photos to get a closer look. 

Oregon Quilt Documentation

Oregon has finally started documenting quilts!! I volunteered yesterday at Sisters to help. I had no idea how wonderful and fun it would be. This is a two year project and plan on helping again somewhere in the future. You can read more info at the Oregon Quilt Project.

This was one of the first quilts to enter the room!!! We about all fell over!! It was a family quilt dated to 1851. The Oak and Reel larger block is called Heroes Crown. I thought that was an awesome block name.
Need I say more about this photo? Several motifs tightly quilted all over. The flowers are reversed applique in the center.


Here was some of the group getting the fine info....with a lot of volunteers trying not to drool!!
The woman with the brown sweater is Mary Bywater Cross the author of Quilts of the Oregon Trail.

Here was a volunteers quilt that she had won in a raffle!! The quilting was amazing. Not all quilts being documented have to be old.

This was one of the more beautiful double wedding rings I've seen. The woman who brought it in found it in a bag after a death of a family member.

Here are two signature quilts. The woman who brought this on in also found in a plastic bag in an attic of her MIL who had died.

I don't remember what the story was on this one. I loved the border and how accurately it meets at the top!! hahaha
This was a beauty too!!
What a fantastic day being with fun people who also have a love of quilts and especially old quilts.
Have a great weekend!!


  1. That quilting is amazing! I love it!

  2. Oh, my goodness, what a grand opportunity you had to be part of the documentation process--and meet Mary!!
    These quilts are so incredible. Thank you for reliving this experience with us!

  3. OMG Lori!!!! Cross is my maiden name... Hope there is a way I could help with this project and possibly contact with Mary Bywater Cross? Will look for her book for sure.... will be sending you an email?? Thanks,

  4. Will there be a closer place to bring quilts (ne Oregon perhaps) for quilt documentation? Such lovely quilts you showed today.


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