Monday, November 14, 2022

Remembering Cynthia Collier

I shared a few photos of this exhibit on Instagram but it was so incredible I need to share on my blog. 
Her husband curated the exhibit and was on hand to talk about Cynthia and her quilts. It was very special.

I'm opting to share a few parts of quilts that I thought were so inspirational!

Sometimes  it is hard to know how and when to use a lovely floral border print. (at least for me!)

Secret surprises in her urns/vases/baskets. 

Toile with people in the windows! Yes, please!

Another beautiful urn.

I have some of this fabric in my stash and after seeing this I am determined to use it in a similar fashion. (perhaps the next challenge?)

Big beautiful columns!

Beautiful details.

I'll share one more exhibit on Wednesday. One more of my favorites!

Let's have an amazing week!



  1. Cynthia had a beautiful style and an incredible ability to make the printed fabric do fabulous things

  2. That was spectacular! I loved all her unique applique. Some looked like broderie perse which I've always wanted to try. I guess using the perfect fabric in the perfect spots is key!

  3. Her work is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing. [Maybe my Patriotic Panel will go on a Basket, what an amazing idea...]. Are you off to DR mission soon? Hopefully no late season hurricanes.



  4. since I only do email anad facebook I am so glad you shared these here. Thank you for taking us along.

  5. Beautiful work and so many wonderful fabrics!

  6. She uses the fabrics in such clever ways. Wonderful creations!

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