Friday, December 9, 2022

Fun on a Friday

These are cool random photos. 

We saw this in the Capital building. I know about Chief Washakie and the town named after him in Wyoming is about 20 miles from the town we bought property. He lived in 3 centuries! Isn't that crazy?!

The scenic route in Virginia.

Some beautiful random old house. 

Here is part of the little brownstone apartment we stayed in in Washington DC. 

We've come a long way baby!

I hope you enjoyed seeing these. I love seeing places I haven not been. 

I'll be back to my regularly scheduled program next Monday!



  1. LOL, regularly scheduled programing! Well, you and I and most of your readers I imagine, have lived in two centuries. Glad things are getting back to "normal" for you. Just remember that Normal is just a setting on the dryer. And that life is what happens while you have been making other plans!

  2. Chief W lived in 3 CENTURIES, not decades. Many of us over the age of thirty have lived in three decades. [sorry to be pedantic]. Love seeing pics of your travels and so enjoy your enthusiasm.


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