Monday, February 27, 2023

String Quilts Your Way

What a fun class we had on Wednesday in Ferndale, WA.
It was called String Quilts Your Way

I give them the basic techniques (there are more than one, like most of quilting) and they make a string quilt they'd like. I give them plenty of examples ahead of class. 

Busy quilters!

So many fun varieties!

Traditional with reproductions. 
Plaids and dots.

What a fun variety of greens.

Anything goes! It will be great!

A quadrant of this block was already completed and she was doing a great job with the Y seams. 

Diagonal is always a great option. 

Spider web


Circle string blocks that will be appliqued down! So creative!

This is going to be a more modern setting. Love the use of these quiet solids. 

So graphic!

I'm sorry if I missed your quilt blocks. Send me an email and I'll share them! I look forward to seeing some lovely string quilts!

Thank you Piecables and Evergreen quilt guilds! 

I'm looking forward to going to Idaho next month to present to the North Idaho Quilters!



  1. Especially loved the greens!
    Looked like a great class!

  2. What a fun class! Strings are so easy and forgiving and great results.

  3. One has labeled hers Strip Search! Love the humor!

  4. So much variety! It is fun to see everyone take the techniques and apply them in their own ways.

  5. String quilts are so fun to make. Thank you for sharing your photos! All great.

  6. Fun strings! Haven't seen circles before--great idea!

  7. Looks like a really fun class! Safe travels to Idaho.

  8. What a wonderful array of creativity!


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