Monday, February 20, 2023

Uptown BOM

My alternate block leaves are done and I believe this is block 14/20. Still a ways to go!

I'm on my way to a quilt guild so this is short and sweet!

Lets have a wonderful week!



  1. Nice job, Lori. Still working on my February block with a little time to go!

  2. Beautiful block leaves! Sorry I will miss you coming to the guilds in Washington. But, alas, there is a little thing called work that gets in the way. Retirement can't come soon enough! Be sure to visit our quilt stores here: Kori's Fabric Creations in Bellingham and three in Lynden--Folktales (has wool too), Calico Country and Tangled Threads!

  3. Another pretty block. The quilt is going to be so pretty.

  4. That is such an interesting block--and very pretty!

  5. I always enjoying seeing these blocks! 14/20 is nothing to sneeze at!:)


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