Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Stringin' Along

It is so fun to see all varieties of String Quilts!

Laura, I need you to contact me at please. 

I think I mentioned the class was held in the hotel I was staying at. Super convenient!

I didn't show Kay's blocks because it wouldn't have made any sense. Kay, if you are reading this, please send me a photo of your 1930's reproduction string quilt!

She made these from the ties that go around jelly rolls, etc. Super cute!

The maker of these cute blocks was going to make a table runner with some churn dash blocks. She said her string blocks were boring. Nope! I liked them a lot!

She was making blocks with "parts" of them strings. Cool!

That's a wrap!

I'm working on a few things this week, but not sure they'll be ready to share. 

I'm prepping for a Meet The Teacher event online. I have 3 minutes!
If you were looking for a teacher for your guild what would you like to know in 3 minutes?! 
I tested my spiel and it was 1 minute 45 seconds. I have a slide show presentation to share as I speak. 

Because I am a more traditional quilter and most guilds tend toward modern, I want to be myself but also let them know they can learn something from me and have fun while doing it!

Have a great week!


  1. Inspiration for sure!

  2. I love the "Moda" strings, clever girl. The "part" of the block, strings was very interesting. Looks like a well attended class. Great ideas for sure.


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