Friday, November 3, 2023

Parsonsfield Part 2- 4 Patch

We will be making cute little 4 patches. You will need 16 total.

I'm giving you some close ups so you can see the fabric. 

There is a little blue, a little red, a little tan in the 4 patches.  

The upper right even has a tad of a yellow stripe.

When looking close it hardly seems low volume!

You can either strip piece using 1 1/2" strips or dig around in your 1 1/2" square bin and sew them together to make a 4 patch.
I opted to use the same 2 fabrics in my 4 patches.

Since I'm giving you a close up look you can see mine are not perfect, but humble.haha

When your 4 patches are made they should measure 2 1/2" unfinished.

You'll need 16 of them.

Part 1 can be found HERE:



  1. Where can I find Parsonsfield part 1? I love all your reproduction fabrics.

  2. Where can I find Parsonsfield part 1? You have wonderful reproduction fabrics.


  3. Lori is there an Instagram hashtag for people to post their progress and finishes? If not I made one for my quiltie and happy to share the space. #humblequilts_parsonsfield


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