Monday, December 11, 2023

Parsonsfield Linky Party!

Let me introduce you to Parsonsfield Maine in photos. 

I had not planned on returning, but decided to make a trip to see my quilts hanging in the New England Quilt Museum and brought my little quilt to Parsonsfield. 
PS, I did have to stomp around in snow for some of these photos! haha

Linky at the end.. 


My little quilt looks perfect on the ladder on my friend, Paula's barn.


Seriously, the low volume quilt is perfect as Parsonsfield. 

If you missed the inspiration quilt you can see it HERE

You can choose to share only the top if your little quilt is not quilted yet. 

I look forward to seeing YOUR quilt! If you have no idea how to do it you can also send me a photo at


  1. Plus there are hundreds of similar towns in maine carbon copies of parsonfield...brave soul to venture to maine in!

  2. Your quilt is so pretty. Parsonsfield looks like a wonderful place to visit. That snow does look cold.

  3. How fun to see them. Mine is still in the ''piecing the corners" stage, until January probably. Maine in winter is beautiful, isn't it.

  4. Looks like a wonderful Winter Wonderland trip! I’m so glad you had the opportunity to go see the area and photograph your little quilt! The sew along was sew much fun! Thank you once again for sharing the pattern with us!

  5. Lori, after looking at your photos of Parsonsfield I can see that it's the perfect name for your quilt with its whites and greys.
    Thanks so much for offering this sew-along and giving us the opportunity to make this little quilt.


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