Friday, February 2, 2024

Fun on A Friday!

I want to encourage you all to enter a quilt into the Houston 50 year anniversary exhibit! It will be a red, white and blue special exhibit. There is no judging, just fun to see your quilt hanging among others. 

Here' s the link to enter- HERE

These 3 were my possibilities. 

Strippy Coins. I found pieces of this quilt in an antique store. I reused the strong patches and replaced the weak ones. I love it and this is the one I chose to enter! They may say they don't want it, but that's okay. I've got a few other options.

Benjamin Biggs in red and blue

Or this amazing antique from Arkansas. It is fairly heavy so am a little hesitant to enter it. I'd love to share it with lots of people though! It is a beauty!

I hope you'll enter!

Have a great weekend, friends.

PS Welcome February!



  1. Love your Strippy Coins too. Actually love the other 2 also! I'm a sucker for R,W,&B quilt.

  2. They all work for me.
    I don't even have a finished R/W/B quilt that isn't less than 24" square. :)

  3. You have some beautiful ones to choose from.

  4. The appliqué one is gorgeous !


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