Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Paducah and Beyond

I loved this exhibit of the US Presidents!

This quilt "spoke" volumes!

Then we hit the road and stopped to see random and not so random things!

We went up up and away in the arch! That was fun!

The view from the other side of the Missouri River

Quick! What's the capital of Missouri?

We stopped at a few of the recommended quilt shops and antique stores. 

We like to get off the beaten path sometimes.


I love seeing new areas that I haven't been before! I've covered quite a bit of ground lately!


  1. what a great post about a fantastic trip!

  2. "Sand and Sea" certainly speaks volumes, --you are right. It is both beautiful and poignant....
    thanks for sharing your visit...hugs, Julierose

  3. You were right in my neighborhood! Doggone, I missed you! Love taking friends up The Arch and The Quilted Fox is such a nice store too. Did you like Homestead Hearth in Mexico, MO? Friends have been and loved it but I've not had the chance. Loved those president quilts too.

  4. Since you were in my home town, I'll take the liberty of trading your Missouri River notation to the mighty Mississippi River!


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