Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Thank you all for your sweet wishes and prayers for our family. We appreciate it SO much!

On a much sweeter theme, here are a few faves of my mission trip to Uganda. I made a video but Youtube isn't playing well with it at this point.

So you get photos today. 

In no particular order.

We were there for the women, but women have children!  They were really precious.

In the back of the church they had mats to lay the babies. 

I had at least 20 of these selfies on my phone!

Christy and I were both happy we had no stomach issues. This is what we ate when out in the village.  
Typical food for us, was rice, smashed plantains (matooke) chicken in broth, fruit- watermelon and pineapple were in season. And lots of bananas
Another mat in the back of the church. 

The ladies proudly wore the craft Christy taught them. A craft, with an interpreter for 200 women! It went really well!

If you donated to my mission your money made sure the children and women attending got lunch!

They loved the hokey pokey!
The first day we had about 35 kids, this day we had about 50 and the next day (my day!) we had about 90!

This little cutie pie loved to greet me when I arrived in the morning.

The ladies were amazing! They were very pleasant and helpful. They served each other well! And look how pretty they look!!

This was the first day coming alongside Hope of Hope Africa. This is the place we gave the women the pillowcase dresses that YOU made! 

We joined their board meeting so they could share what is happening and how they are reaching the community.

Back at the 3 day women's conference. 

A serious moment when I was sharing my story of redemption.

Oh yea, those kids again!

I LOVED the 2 boys with the rosette craft and those shoes, The boy in the center is likely wearing his best

The women were beautiful. 

If you watch this, make sure your volume is up! 

Thanks for coming alongside me to Uganda! It was a very special trip. 


  1. terrific post and colorful and everyone looks so doubt you got way more than you gave

  2. You really make a difference in this world - thank you.

  3. What a fabulous experience. The children everywhere you visit are so precious, aren't they.
    I notice lots of beautiful textiles and colors.

  4. Oh, those beautiful children! Those beautiful people, you captured them so well with your photos. Thank you!

  5. Love your photos of all the children and the fashionable ladies :) What a fabulous trip!


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