Friday, September 27, 2024

Homestead 2024 Quiltalong! Let's Get Started!

Here's my 25" square Homestead quiltalong for 2024. I hope you'll sew along!!

Here is a closeup of a few of my blocks. 

Here are a few from the antique quilt. 

You can refer to this link for color option and ideas.

So we will start making 9 patches for Homestead. 

We will need light/dark/ and red. (You can choose to use a medium for a light or dark) 
I'll be using the words light and dark,
We will make two 9 patches that are the same.

Cut 2 dark 1 1/2"x6 1/2" strips

Cut 1 light 1 1/2" x 6 1/2" strip. 

Cut 2 of the same light 1 1/2"x 3 1/2"
Cut one red 1 1/2" x3 1/2"

Sew these strips as shown. Press carefully toward the dark/red. 

Subcut these into 1 1/2" pieces. You will have 4 dark-light-dark and 2 light-red-light

Sew them into 9 patches with the red in the center. 

Perfect! Press carefully.

Now make 8 more sets. I opted to use the same red center and change up the light and dark.

If you are new to Humble Quilt sewalongs- it is random. I don't "release" on any specific days. Easy steps have less time between. 

On another note:
My daughter says please tell the Humble Quilt ladies they really brightened my day.

Thank you to all who took the time to send her a birthday greeting. It means so much to me and her!

Have a great weekend. Please feel free to share your 9 patches on the Facebook group- find it HERE.



  1. This is a precious little quilt, Lori. I think I may join in. You make it so doable! Out of curiosity, do you have any idea what size the nine patches might be in the full size original antique quilt? They look to be made of something larger than 1 1/2” pieces. (I still have never made a bed size quilt.)

  2. Sally Langston WarrenSeptember 27, 2024 at 7:22 AM

    My previous comment (about see along and antique quilt) went through as anonymous. My email is jspwarren at aol dot com.


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