Monday, September 23, 2024

Homestead- 2024 Sewalong

This was an antique quilt I saw at Homestead Hearth this year! The larger version is more effective than the little one we will be doing, but both are still so charming!

Humble Quilts Homestead will measure 25" square so it will make a cute table topper. 

Such a simple quilt but visually so pleasing. 

Every nine patch has a red center. 

The other parts of the nine patch will be up to you.


You can see the original tan binding in the nine patch photos above. This is what I used for the main fabric. I wish my pink would have been a bit brighter like the original 

You don't need much fabric. If you are on the Facebook group (HERE) I'd love to see your choices!

We will start cutting later this week. 

When we decided to sell out Wyoming property we had no idea what the future had in store. At this time I am so grateful I am close enough to drive to Portland and help my daughter. It would have been impossible living so far away. 

Homestead- Home is where your heart is.

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