Monday, October 28, 2024

Cast Your Vote!

This pattern is by Country Threads and is so darling! I started it and only have the words VOTE!

If you are an American citizen please vote. Our voices are heard at the ballot box. 
Even if you do not like either choice of presidential candidates (I'm in that camp actually) there are state and local issues that need to be voted on that are important.

Let's stay on the soap box and encourage every registered voter you know to cast a ballot!



  1. I am so glad this election cycle is almost over! We are so deeply divided. When it is done, I hope we will gather together and stand united by our new president as one America. We are so blessed in our country. I know many Americans are having a hard time economically but still, we are better off than billions of people in the world. I loved in China for a school year and learned so much about how rich I was as a middle class American. I learned how rich my former students in the US were who were poverty stricken compared to poor people in China. I have been counting my blessings constantly since that teaching experience in China!

  2. As far as I am concerned there is only one possible vote this year and that is Harris and Walz. Donald Trump will destroy our country and everything remaining that is right and good about it. He is a liar, a cheat, a criminal, and he does not care about this country, He only cares about himself.

  3. What a wonderful quilt, tho just seeing it gives me such anxiety, I truly fear for our country next week. And our future. I already voted!


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