Friday, October 25, 2024

International Quilt Festival and Road Trip

If you've been following my blog for any length of time you'll know that Laurie and I travel together. We will be meeting at the airport in Houston then having a bit of road trip fun before the quilt show in Houston!

I'm beginning to feel a little like Thelma and Louise! lol

This is our tentative road trip route. Let me know if you have intel of great antique shops or quilt shops we need to see. 

We will make our way back to Houston on Wednesday for preview night! This photos shows vendors but I like to see the quilts first!

Back in mid January I made this post encouraging readers to enter a quilt for the red and white and blue 50th anniversary special exhibit. 

Laurie entered a quilt
JoAnne entered a quilt
Jessalyn entered a quilt
I entered 2 quilts

And they were all accepted! I'm so excited to see them!

If you entered a quilt I'd love to look for it. Please let me know.

Let me know if you'll be at the show.



  1. Have a grand adventure! Looking forward to your post about the show.

  2. Hi Lori! Yes, I did enter a quilt so please stop by and say ‘hi’ to it. I won’t be going to Houston this year. Absorb some Quilty goodness for me please. I’ll email a photo to you. Donna K


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