Monday, February 3, 2025

Welcome February!

The retreat friends were asking me how many blocks I am making. These are 16" blocks so I won't need to make a lot of them. I thought I better play with some settings.

This is my first thought
Side by side with sashing to give them room to breathe. 


Here is the look side by side no sashing. 72"x72"

I feel like I know which way I'm leaning but would love to hear any input or alternate ideas. 

On another note, I was donated some books and would love to find them a home!

These books were donated to me and all proceeds will go to Faith Seeds, the non profit in Guatemala that I am on the board.

$10 each plus postage ( shipping most inexpensive way possible)
Or make me an offer!
Everything Flowers, Jean and Valerie Wells, 96 pages, 1996
Patchwork Showcase, Nancy Mahoney, 95 pages, 2004
Expressive Quilts , Kumiko Sudo, 95 pages, 1989
East Quilts West, Kumiko Sudo, 198 pages, 1992
Through the Garden Gate, Jean and Valerie Wells, (signed by both authors) 144 pages, 1999
Along the Garden Path, Jean and Valorie Wells,( signed by authors) 144 pages, 2001
You can email me at
I take PayPal, Venmo, cash, check

Lets have an awesome week!


  1. The third or fourth, the others look to sad. Dotti in CT

  2. Your trees look wonderful! I need to start a few here now.

  3. I like the 85 x 85, only because I like big quilts...and I made one a couple of years ago in red and white, but the colors were reversed.

  4. Your finished quilt will be outstanding, no matter which setting you choose. I think I favor those with sashing for these blocks. Your work is stunning and shows such precision! I need to pare down my huge library of quilt books, or I would buy those in a heartbeat! If you want more books to sell, let me know!

  5. Love tree of life. Sashless setting seems like a true forest to me, fitting for the block. Your posts perk up my day each time, Lori.

  6. I like the blocks with no sashing best - more "foresty" or woodsy. With sashing is good too, more of an open woodland look. Perhaps a narrower sashing though - maybe finishing the same size as the HSTs in the trees? Alternating blocks...kind of boring(?). Unless there's an interesting fabric or fancy quilting in the plain blocks, but that might steal attention from the tree blocks, not sure if that's what you'd want.
    Nice work on the blocks!


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