Monday, September 30, 2019

Humble Quilts Stringalong MOnth 9

I thought I had a solid plan to sew 5 string blocks a day until I had the 100+ blocks complete. Well, I have 90 more to make! Here's a lovely stack of 35 or 40 blocks. I'm going to have to work hard to get them done in October.
How are you coming on your stringalong? Add you link so we can see!!

On another note: Hubby and I made it out camping and hiking.
Made it to this beautiful lake...

this waterfall....

 To these beautiful views.

On this mountain top!

And ended Friday with this lovely sky. 
But woke up to a little snow and colder temps.

We hiked back to the lake to fish.

 Porter stayed home with our niece, but Elsa is young and loves to be outdoors!!
And had such a fun day!
And brought home a few trout for dinner!!

Be sure to add your Stringalong link!!


  1. good looking fish!~ what another amazing hike!
    pretty string blocks, great colors and fabrics.

  2. Spectacular photos! You rock, no pun intended.

  3. Beautiful photos, snow notwithstanding of course! The difficulty with making string blocks is the continuous mess on all the sewing and cutting surfaces. But so satisfying when they're finally done.

  4. Lori I always enjoy your blog! I don't comment too often as writing comment using my old IPad is difficult. Love your outdoor pictures! We have got to get out to Oregon sometime to see these sights. Nothing like God's creation to lift your spirits.

  5. No strings but the first thing I though when I saw the lake picture was FISH.... you got them.... bet dinner was the best. The photos and story you wrote with them were great.

  6. I'm loving your photos. It looks like somewhere I'd like to be. I'm sadly way behind on the string along. I hope to get back on track this week. Thanks!

  7. It was lovely to see your camping pictures. I have completed 130 string blocks and in the process of removing the papers. They have all been trimmed to 7 inches(the size that I can get out of our little rural phone book). I have cut 8 inch square papers from an old Medicare handbook and have another old handbook to cut to size. I am always ready for the next batch of string blocks.8-) Thanks for the encouragement.

  8. Snow! I would put my hiking boots away. You have had such a fun-filled summer. I love to eat trout but I read that it is bad for someone who has gout problems. I haven't had any in about two years.

  9. Several of those outdoor photos were quilt worthy. Thanks so much for bringing the outdoors to us. Off the work on my string quilt.

  10. Nice Rainbows!!! You are so blessed to live in such beautiful country!! I love your outdoors pictures and Elsa is such a beauty!

  11. Love your hiking pictures but I had to laugh really hard at your string progress. It sounded so like me!!!! Hahahaha!! Adorable picture of you & the fish! Keep up the good work -- quilting & hiking!

  12. What beautiful pictures from your hike. Nice fish too :0)

  13. Your photos of your hike are wonderful. Not quite ready for snow.

  14. Your photos of your hike are wonderful. Not quite ready for snow.

  15. Your hike was in beautiful territory! Our son and DIL went up to our favorite lake over the weekend and encountered snow as well.

  16. Love your pictures of your hike, it is so beautiiiful out where you live.

    My strings are untouched since last month, prob can't get back to the project til winter, tho the blocks are front and center on my sewing desk.

  17. Wow, Lori. Another day in heaven!

  18. Your hiking pictures are beautiful,looks like a fun time. Elsa is beautiful too!!!

  19. Snow??? We are still in the mid 90's here. LOL
    Looks beautiful and those string blocks are fun.

  20. You didn't say what Mountain that was, nor what lake... in the Oregon Cascades? So glad you are having fun!

    1. Strawberry mountain, strawberry lake, strawberry falls- south of Prairie City.

  21. Is it October already? Where did September go? I didn't do anything with my strings in Sept - bad me. Love your gorgeous scenery photos. We live in an awesome state!!

  22. Good luck with your blocks this month. It's disappointing to learn that what you thought you had isn't what you have!
    Beautiful camping trip. I especially love the lake photo with the fog and snow. It looks so cold to camp outside. You're so strong!


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