Thursday, April 23, 2020

Buhl Bushong April

I've got a couple of large projects going and Buhl Bushong from the Virginia Quilt Museum is one of them.

 These blocks are ready to applique.
 This is lightly fused but think I'll be making a little change to this block.
I'm appliqueing these too and need to make headway on them!!

Cory and I are stealing away to the wilderness for a quick overnight jaunt. 

Take care
With love


  1. Nice progress on your Buhl quilt--enjoy your wilderness getaway...
    ~ ~ ~ ~ waving beneath my umbrella yet again Julierose

  2. I love the looks of the appliqué! I don't know how you can get any sewing done with working extra and being so busy!! Have fun in the wilderness - I know you will.

  3. I love your applique! I also love the fabrics you chose. what method of applique do you use when securing them to the background fabric? enjoy the wilderness!

  4. Great progress. You are stitching like crazy. As always, your fabric choices are perfect. Enjoy your jaunt.

  5. Beautiful blocks, as well as the appliqué and quilting you have been doing. I need to start practicing my quilting again and using the machines more, myself.


  6. Beautiful fabrics you use for your Buhl Lori. Ready for the corners?
    I know I am! The moment of truth.....will it all fit?

  7. Impressive, how you are juggling at least three complex applique projects at this time. I love this one!


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