Friday, March 18, 2022


Happy Friday!
This week as I was eating dinner I looked up to see the light on this wedding ring quilt.  In my head I thought, "that is so beautiful."  I just had to snap a photo!

My niece (who has subsequently took over managing our "sold" part store business), shoulder came out of the socket this week. This was the "after" photo when it was back in and on some pain meds.It happened so fast, like so many medical emergencies. Good to keep a perspective on the really important things- HER for one, and others we love. 

But we can't be so serious all the time!  My local hiking group all met up for a St Patrick's Day hike. 

Slack-lining- no thank you.

Do you see a monkey face? That is this rock's nickname.

Have a great weekend!



  1. It is all about balance, isn’t it? Happy Friday

  2. How beautiful that dbl wedding ring quilt is!! spectacular...
    Sorry about your niece's injury--that can't be easy for her...
    I could not imagine doing "Slack lining"!! Whoa Nellie!! i don't even like ladders...
    Have a good weekend hugs, Julierose

  3. What a relief to hear that was NOT you on the rope line between rocks! Prayers for your niece's quick recovery. I imagine that will be sore for a while and she might be nervous that her shoulder will pop out again for no good reason.

  4. Hello, Peggie in New Hampshire here! I am a first time reader....I read Jo's Country Junction and Quiltville's Quips and Snips, oh, and don't forget Sister's Choice with Nicole. I have now stumbled onto you! First off, I love your Double Wedding Ring quilt...on my bucket list! Is that you slack lining???? Oh, my gosh! I'll keep both feet on the ground, thank you. I hope your niece is much better by now. Where are you located...the scenery in your pictures is breathtaking. We are in New Hampshire now, but moved to Nevada when we retired. The desert and canyons out there are mind-boggling as well. What a beautiful country we have! Have a great day and I will try to stop in now and again now that I have found you! Oh, yes, I found the monkey!

    1. Good morning Peggie, Thank you for taking the time to comment. I am located in Central Oregon- this is the dry and desert part.
      Not me slack lining. This and rock climbing are big at this park.

  5. No slacking for me either! I do like the light on the quilt. And I saw the monkey face before you named it. Very cool!

  6. That is very pretty highlighting on the DWR quilt!
    Sounds like a really painful experience for your niece. Glad she is on the mend.
    Love the "St. Pat's" hiking gear! LOL
    No to slack-lining. Yes, I see the monkey face. How funny. :)


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