Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentines Day!

My heart is full and I feel very blessed! Thank you all for being a part of my life, online and in person! You all enrich my life immensely! 

A reader made a suggestion to replace a couple of strings on the basket, but I'm still stuck moving forward. 

Using the background as a border gives me the illusion of a window.

checkerboard on the right, pretty fabric on the left. Neither is working for me.
Maybe I'll just leave it as a top to bring to class.
Speaking of class.. thank you to those who passed the word about me teaching! I've got a couple of things in the works. 

I made a trip to WA state where a quilter passed away and her daughter was selling and cleaning out her mother's house. Oh my goodness, what a job!

If you zoom in on these books and see any you'd like to purchase please send me an email at and I'll tell you the price and availability. Most of the Kaffe books have been put on Etsy- HERE 

I'm being considered as a board member for Faith Seeds Guatemala, the ministry I went to last fall. I'll meet everyone tonight on Zoom, then they will vote on me. I love this ministry and look forward to helping them in any way I can. 

Have a blessed week!



  1. Love your basket quilt, and looking forward to seeing the final results.

  2. I have several of the books. "The Quilt That Walked to Golden" is one I reread often.


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