Monday, December 23, 2024

Here Comes the Sun

I started with these. 

Paper pieced the arcs...


Reverse appliqueing the outer red.

Hand quilted- complete! YAY! This is a new class for 2025!

We had carolers last night! Hark the Herald!

I was able to bundle up and get out for a local hike this week. 

Was great to clear the head and get fresh air!

I hope you have a lovely week of peace and joy. 


  1. Always loved that song by the Beatles! And great name for your little quilt!

    1. A group of quilt friends came up with it for me!

  2. Beautiful focus fabric in your little quilt, and the name really fits it well.
    Love the shot of the carolers. Haven't done that for several years now. I miss it, but there are too many of us at the family parties now to drag from house to house.
    Wow, gorgeous views from your hike!
    Hope you had a great Christmas!


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