Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Stitchin' Post

I made a little trip to the Stitchin' Post in Sisters the other day. 
The quilt show is jsut a few weeks away and I always like to take a quick breeze through the shop to see it nice and stocked up. 

As a kid he remembers many times waiting for mom while she was in a quilt shop! lol Now he comes in and browses. He was looking at the books about visible mending. Remember that? No? Check it out HERE

Enjoy the tour through the quilt shop in Sisters, Oregon. 

Are any of you coming to the Outdoor show July 9th? Let me know!

I put Elsa in front of my lupine so you can see how tall it is! We have had a lot of rain!

I hope your week is going great!



  1. I can’t believe it is almost show time! I see a few quilts I would love to make in your photos.

  2. Elsa looks gorgeous in front of the lupine. Interesting quilt on the wall with half circles and flying geese. May just have to play with that idea one day.

  3. I love the Sisters Show. It was especially fun the year I met you there. Taking my Sister to Sisters was fun also, she's not a Quilter. Cute Quilts on the Walls for Inspiration.

  4. Fun to breeze through the shop with you. Haven't been there for at least a couple of years.

  5. Elsa and the lupine! [she is secretly rolling her eyes, ''M--ooo--m!''] Lovely shop, handsome son! He has your creativity.

  6. not coming this year, went to a couple YEARs ago. Enjoy!

  7. It's a beautiful quilt store. Thanks for taking us along with you on the trip :)

  8. Some day I'd love to go to this- heard so much about it and my daughter lives close to Portland. So it will happen eventually!

  9. Hi Lori, We loved having you speak last night at our guild. I love your quilts! Thanks for this little tour through the Stitchin' Post. I am going to be in Sisters for the show! My husband is going fly fishing and I'm going to go see the show on my own. :) --Shannon (Petaluma Quilt Guild)

  10. I would love the pattern for the "Winter Village" quilt you showed a picture of. I googled it and can't find it. I cannot make the sign next to it big it enough to see who it's by. Not sure if that's the person who made it or the person who did the pattern. Do you happen to know anything about it?

  11. great shop - I'd love to know the pattern maker of the fish quilt - its' great!

  12. Moved to Sisters a little over a year ago. Oh, you betcha I will be at the show!

  13. Nice quilt shop, love the tree quilt.

  14. I love the "Winter Village" quilt, as someone else called it. I put it on one of my Pinterest boards as a reminder and inspiration. I would love to go to the shop and quilt show especially, but I am too far away - Massachusetts.


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