Monday, April 27, 2020

Rise and Shine!

I love seeing this quilt in my house and try and use that mantra Rise and Shine. It has been getting harder and harder, getting to work, keeping a smile on my face.
I had planned a couple of months ago a girls backpacking trip  and since our recent pandemic threw a wrench in that I thought I'd take hubby someplace fairly nearby. We both have needed a mental respite from work and the news. 

Well, uh, it is still a bit early for anyplace with fair elevation. But we forged ahead!
This was many parts of the trail. 

Some places we had to search for a way to stay on the trail. It was hard to believe this is desert! 
 We were grateful to find this spot that already had a fire ring built.
Here was were we were headed. Twin Pillars in a wilderness area. 

Good night

 Good night Elsa. 
Good morning blue sky! 

I had plans to sew when I got home, but I only managed laundry!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Buhl Bushong April

I've got a couple of large projects going and Buhl Bushong from the Virginia Quilt Museum is one of them.

 These blocks are ready to applique.
 This is lightly fused but think I'll be making a little change to this block.
I'm appliqueing these too and need to make headway on them!!

Cory and I are stealing away to the wilderness for a quick overnight jaunt. 

Take care
With love

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Anniversary Quilt update

Block #2 is not sewn but ready to start. 

This seems to be the best method to find what fabric I want to use. HeeHee Good thing I can leave that for a few days. 

Wide open desert spaces! Keeps me sane.

If my daughter doesn't get any financial aid soon(like disaster unemployment) it is likely she will need to store all of her apt in a storage unit and stay with us till this thing blows over. 
I've been encouraging her to stay the course and not come home because we are exposed to many people every day (even with social distancing) and she has been so good at isolating. But we aren't seeing any alternatives  right now. I hope you all are doing okay. 
If your state starts to open up, remember you don't have to go out! 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Cousin's Walk Bird Sampler

I managed to get blocks 17-20 completed. I need 8 more, then figure out what I'll do for the center.

I'm really enjoying these birds!

I hope your Monday is super!
Much love

Friday, April 17, 2020

Good Morning Starshine!

I'm calling this "Good Morning Starshine"

Cecile and Bea host a challenge every year. This year the challenge was to make a quilt with at least 16 stars and have it completed before the end of May. Here is my little quilt! It is about 16" square. 
My piecing was seriously humble! But I loved the neon fabric. 
I have larger cut out from friends who shared some neon reproductions with me. 

Here is the back. What a great print!

And here it is after a washing. The piecing doesn't look as "off" as it it did prewashed. 

And if you need a reminder of the song, check it out HERE,

Have a great weekend! It's my Saturday to work- boo-hoo!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Humble Quilt Swap- Update

My little swap quilt was inspired by an antique. This was my start. My quilt is packaged and heading across the international timeline to its destination.  I've extended the mail date to May 9th. Please do your best to get your little quilt completed and in the mail by this date. Sooner is even better. 

 I've been getting antsy so made my way out for a  sunrise hike on Saturday. 

 Close by was another trail I've been wanting to hike and it was open. These rock formations are called palisades. (palisades mean  a line of bold cliffs) Yes they were! 
I passed a horse camp on the way. Coolest old barn/

Easter dessert. Homemade shortcake with strawberries and mimosas. 

I'm still having issues getting comments to come to my email. Sorry for the hassle!

I hope your weekend was blessed. 
Much love

Friday, April 10, 2020

Fitful Friday

I'm feel like I'm fitful~ "active or occurring spasmodically or intermittently; not regular or steady."

Nothing is as it should be and it makes me so sad! 
I've slowly started to do a little decorating for spring, but most of that is on this weekend's agenda. 

This liberated basket quilt brings me a smile and reminds me of May Day. 

This is one of my older quilts designed by Country Threads.
And then here is my 4 block version of the Spencer Museum Quilt, pattern by Jan Patek.

Slowly spring is showing her face in little ways. (desert phlox)

Short little daffodils my sister planted in my garden. 

 Still trying to get outdoors every day. My mental health depends on it! This was yesterday's weather! It was a dusty run but so rejuvenating, and I actually slept well- bonus!
I was thinking about trying to make a photo of my next run! This reminds me of a face with a cowboy hat on! LOL This social distancing is getting to me!! 

Taking pleasure in the simple things! I found bleach!

Take care friends!
With Love

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dresses and Masks! Oh MY!

Among all the uncertainty and mask making a few people made me some dresses for my mission trip later this year. 

 Thank you Beth!
 And Janet!

It is so hard to know where our world will be in two, four or six months, but there will always be needs that we can fill! Thank you both and to all those who have sent dresses! Blessings!!
I know many of you have been mask making machines! Bless you! I've been working more, but had a rare afternoon off and wanted to try my hand at making a few. 
I asked a friend for some masks and she provided them for our employees, but I'd like a few more so they'll have more than one and also they can provide their family members with them.  I found a simple pattern and made 6 of them this afternoon. 

Here was my first prototype. It works and it really easy! 

Let's all be safe and stay well!

Much Love

Monday, April 6, 2020

Wilderness Trail

 Here is my finished friendship double 4 patch made with swapped blocks by Kevin and Kathy. It was quilted by Kathy. 

This was taken inside after it was washed. I love what she did in the cheddar border!!
I LOVE how it turned out and it is a special friendship quilt.

I ran into some visitors out on a hike the other day. 

I hope you had a terrific weekend. Love to you all!

Friday, April 3, 2020

2020 Anniversary Quilt

If you have a section to show, please send me a photo and I'll add it to this post.
Here is my first block.

 The angel on top. 
The pieced top section.

Here is Dorothy's top so far! Wow! Looking super!!
The blue is sparkling!!
 Here is Maureen's block! Love that green!!
And her sweet angel!

If you are wondering what pattern this is, it is this one designed by Jan Patek in her book Together Again. She has made the pattern available on her website.
I am doing this one as my Humble Quilt 2020 quiltalong, but I know for many it is hard to stay focused these days. If you want to jump in, that's awesome! If you want to bow out for now, that's completely fine too. I plan on keeping moving forward with this quilt. 

My next plan is to make another center block and start getting some applique pieces ready for the border. 

My daughter and I agreed to postpone our mid May trip to Peru. Super disappointed, but it isn't canceled completely, just postponed to an unknown future date.  Even if Peru's borders are open in 5 weeks, I'm not willing to take a chance of getting sick and hospitalized in another country. 
Machu Picchu isn't going anywhere....

Love to you all

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Buhl Bushong Quilt

 The lighting in my sewing room isn't very good but here are my blocks so far. There are 16 total, YAY! Half way! The corners also have applique but will not do those until I start assembling the these blocks.

Anniversary Quilt 2020 update:
How do you all feel about continuing this quilt? There are many  quiltalongs going on, which I encourage you to do while we cannot be together in real life. Because ours was going to be spread out it isn't really a communal sewalong.  Someone already told me they'd like to set theirs aside and that got me thinking about the rest of you. I WILL be continuing to make mine this year and if you still want to keep going with me, that's great. I'm going to post part one on Friday. If you want to share yours that would be awesome! Send me a photo or post on your blog and send me the link.  

Typical spring weather in Central Oregon. A while before hitting the trails it was snowing, but then the sun came out.

Fresh snow on the buttes around us.

I hope the snow at higher elevations keeps the city people on "their" side of the mountains! I cannot believe how many people are ignoring the stay at home order.  They have gone so far as to "close" the trail heads and many forests because they are being over ran with people!
I know I am only responsible for myself, but jeez, I'd sure like our health care workers to not be over ran with sick people- at least not all at once. Please stay home unless you are an essential worker or you need to get groceries or medicine. 

Going out to the trails daily is really helping my mental state of mind. 
I hope you all are doing well.
Much love